Web Research

A systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. - Oxford University Press
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Google Assistant Rollout

Published: 12/22/2018 4:09 PM
Last Updated: 12/28/2018 1:12 PM


Another big move by Google today. The Google Assistant is rolling out to regular users of Android devices.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Google Address Bar Search Functionality

Published: 8/7/2018 12:00 AM


The feeling of stumbling upon a cool feature is awesome. Today I was typing in an address for a website when I got caught up in a conversation. When I returned to my keyboard, I must have hit the space bar before typing in the reset of the URL. What I saw in the address bar was a site specific search. I must research this feature.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Search Engine Audit of the Search Engines

Published: 7/25/2018 12:00 AM


On accident, I brought up the Google Chrome DevTools on a tab containing the Bing Search homepage. Before I knew it, I had run a full audit on Bings search page. When I looked at the results, I thought, "Crap, what did I do!" The results weren't great, but they also weren't mine. For fun, I decided to run an audit on the google and bing search pages. Interesting!


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Note: Back in Action!

Published: 7/19/2018 12:00 AM


Time to put out some new content updates. I have been working on some other web projects and only recently freed up some time to do some work on this site and research some items on my list. Let's see what new information I can find on progressive websites.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Reference: Is it website or web site? Webpage or web page?

Published: 7/1/2018 12:00 AM


Website? Web site? Webpage? Web Page? Time to find out which one is right!


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer
