Graphic Design Articles

Graphic Design
The art or profession of visual communication that combines images, words, and ideas to convey information to an audience, especially to produce a specific effect. -
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Test Posting for Adobe Photoshop

Published: 12/20/2018 10:41 PM


This is a system posting to make sure that adobe photoshop is showing up as a skill and as a visible article topic under the graphic design and adobe creative cloud sub sections.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Adobe Creative Cloud is SLOW

Published: 8/19/2018 9:00 AM


My attempt at getting caught up on web design and development is going much slower than I had hoped. Much of this is due to the need for a .svg editor. The only viable option for me, at the moment, is Adobe Illustrator.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Photoshop Web Image Compression Plugin

Published: 8/11/2018 1:54 PM


Previously I have looked for and used an image compression web API. With all the graphic design work I have been doing lately in my personal and professional projects, I wanted to find something that would fit directly into my design workflow. Look what I found!


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Web Image DPI and Retina Displays

Published: 8/8/2018 12:00 AM


Recently I was discussing the topic of DPI with a friend. At times we both do digital photography and the topic is important when talking about printing the best quality photos. Part way through this conversation I mentioned that web images of the past have focused around a 72 and 96 DPI standard. Upon saying this, I started thinking of another standard for my best practices list. How does DPI, resolution and image format apply to the newer high resolution and retina devices?


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Update: Web Image DPI and High Resolution Displays

Published: 8/8/2018 12:00 AM


Looks like I need to be more diligent in my research. It occurred to me that HTML 5 picture elements might be a better route. I haven't really had a use for them with this site as I have implemented SVG for most displayed images. Looking back at the previous post and the articles that accompanied it, a new research standard came to light. The articles, while containing some valid information are dated. So... What's the conclusion?


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Website Image Media Formats

Published: 8/2/2018 12:00 AM


Researching web technologies is one of my favorite pass times. Today I am going to dig through every social media site and any image related information I can find to get a complete list of standards.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Research: Webp Image Format

Published: 7/7/2018 12:00 AM


The next round of emerging image formats are truly amazing. While they are still in their infancy, there is great promise to formats like WebP. In this article, I dig in to WebP usage and examine how to handle fallback for other, more common, image formats.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer
