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Reference: Protocol Checker




While running some test on the AATI Windows IIS server, I came across an issue with my previous implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol. I was surprised to find out, what I thought had been working, was not. Time to take a look at why HTTP/2 is not working on IIS.


While digging through some HTTP/2 settings I came upon this resource for checking. Pretty handy! As a side note, it looks like IIS 8.5 (Windows Server 2012) doesn't support the HTTP/2 protocol. I was also surprised to see that 1&1 hosting doesn't support it with the hosting package I purchased for this site. I might have to give them a call about that.

As a side note, for those of you with Windows Server 10 and IIS 10, you should be good to go with HTTP/2 by default.



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