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Web Design
The process of creating websites including web page layout, content production, and graphic design. - Tech Terms Dictionary
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Open Graph Meta Image Tags

Published: 8/13/2018 10:00 PM


Testing in the Facebook open graph share validator, an error came up for an image that was missing on the website. The error message stated that the image dimensions were missing for that image. There was also mention of improved performance by providing the og:image:width and og:image:height tags.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Remove iPhone Submit Button Format

Published: 8/12/2018 9:10 PM


Brought the site up on an iPhone and saw the automatic formatting of the search submit button was not consistent with the rest of the sites design.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


jQuery Date and Time Picker

Published: 8/8/2018 6:45 PM


During the initial development of the administrative tools for this site, I required a date and time field to represent the published, created and last modified dates. Due to time constraints, I just tossed on the default date picker included with the jQuery UI library. The problem with this solution is that it doesn't support selection of time, only dates. Time to find a better solution.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


ItemList and itemListElement Structured Data Objects

Published: 7/27/2018 12:00 AM


Some of the objects in the structured data of the site are causing me issue. Namely the itemlist object. I am going to dig through the schema.org page and anything else I can find to see if I can address the issue that is being reported by Googles Structured Data Testing Tool.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


TinyMCE - Free WYSIWYG editor

Published: 7/19/2018 12:00 AM


TinyMCE has been around for a long time as a full featured "what you see is what you get editor". It's been a few years since I have used it, so I think it's time to check it out again. Somewhere there was a reference to the release of a cloud based version with additional features. I hope there is still a free community version.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Best Practices: ADA Compliance and Links

Published: 7/8/2018 12:00 AM


As I was making a few updates tonight, an old ADA Compliance practice came to mind that I just noticed I had become lax on. The usage of detailed text for hyperlinks is a must for my personal best practices list. The generic or vague "Click Here" is just not acceptable. It's time to use some detailed link text.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Best Practices: Noopener Attribute

Published: 7/7/2018 12:00 AM


Google DevTools was showing an issue with anchor tags that opened a new window. The suggestion provided by the Google DevTools audit system was to add a relationship attribute to the anchor elements with a value of "noopener". I want to find out more about this attribute and value to see why it is suggested.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Research: jQuery Vulnerabilities

Published: 7/7/2018 12:00 AM


jQuery has progressed in numerous versions. On a whim I decided to check to see if there are any known security vulnerabilities with the version of jquery that I have been using. While I am at it, I am going to look into what the features, filesizes and other goodies I can find in regards to jQuery.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Research: jQuery Passive Event Listeners

Published: 7/7/2018 12:00 AM


Chrome DevTools is reporting an issue with some of my scripts or third party scripts utilizing passive event listeners. At first glance, it appears that this is an issue for providing the best user interaction experience. I am going to dive in to this topic and see what I can find out.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


Research: Classless Cascading Style Sheets

Published: 7/1/2018 12:00 AM


At times, a challenge is just what I need to test my understand and ability on any given topic. Today I decided to see what I can accomplish without using class in CSS while trying to do some page layout work.


Bryan Myers - "The Web Guy"

Advanced Digital Channel Engineer


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